Most people think that astrology is just about birth charts, but it is only one branch of astrology. You can meet with an astrologer to find out dates of important events, locate lost items, or find the best city to live in, all without mentioning your individual birth chart.
Choral Astrology.
Type of reading: quick (written reports or a 15-20 minute session), inexpensive.
Who is right for: those who want to sort out specific questions in a limited time frame.
When you urgently need an answer, chorar astrology is right for you. The reading is similar to a quick draw of three Tarot cards.
The idea is that you should come to the astrologer with a very specific question (such as “Where are my apartment keys?” or “When will I get an answer about my job interview results?”) that cannot be answered any other way. The astrologer then charts the moment the question was asked to determine the answer. No information about your birth will be required.
Locational Astrology.
Type of reading: done as a report or individual reading; astrologers usually “specialize” in this method, so it can be more expensive.
Who is suitable: for those who are about to move or to see how moving can change their life.
Astrologers who specialize in this technique can give you a summary of your “compatibility” with specific cities or geographic areas to help you decide whether to offer a job or move for love.
Elective Astrology.
Type of reading: easy to provide (report or quick individual session), but usually costly.
Who is right for: those who want to find the best dates for a wedding, starting a business, or other important event.
Whether you’re looking for the best time to file divorce papers or the perfect date to launch a startup, elective astrology can help you choose a moment that aligns with the stars. Elective astrologers choose favorable dates in the future that will give a contract, business or relationship a chance to succeed.
Relationship Astrology.
Type of reading: lengthy, often quite expensive.
Who is suitable: married couples who seek to understand each other better.
The most common questions astrologers ask are about love and money. While you can learn a lot about your partner from your natal chart, a shared reading describing your synastry (or astrological compatibility) can improve relationships on a cosmic level. Esotericists who specialize in this section of astrology will not perform such readings unless both parties agree. Make sure your partner agrees before scheduling a session.