Many people consider astrology to be an exact science because it uses the exact time of a person’s birth – almost to the second – for its predictions. Often, when a horoscope does not want to come true, astrologers argue that the inaccuracy of the prediction is due to the fact that the exact time of a person’s birth is unknown – as if a few seconds or hours would drastically change his character or fate.
Many centuries ago, when astrology actually came into existence, it was believed that the moment of birth was the moment when a new life began. Today we know that, in fact, a new life begins much earlier – at the moment of fertilization. As for birth, it is a rather random process. Depending on external factors, labor can begin earlier or later, and the time variation can be as much as several weeks! We understand, and biologists and doctors confirm this, that by the time a baby is born, it is quite matured in the womb. And if he comes into the world a few hours (or days, much less minutes or seconds) earlier or later, it is unlikely that his personal qualities will change because of the mythical influence of some planet.
Each of us has more than once had an opportunity to see how amazingly the genes of parents are manifested in children. We see that the properties of character, appearance, temperament, predisposition to a particular activity, and much more is determined by two factors – heredity and environment. Which of us has not noticed that the child is “all in daddy” (grandmother, aunt, etc.). This seems natural to us and is well explained by biology. However, it seems extremely strange that astrologers believe that a person’s character and destiny will be completely different if he is born a day earlier or later.
From the point of view of logic, it would probably make sense to consider the moment of conception, not the time of birth, for making horoscopes.
So, we can conclude that the traditional making of astrological predictions based on the moment of birth is, to put it mildly, illogical.